The chicken industry grows two different breeds:
1. The broilers which are optimized to provide as much meat as possible.
2. The layers which are optimized to lay as many eggs as possible.
In modern-day poultry farming, the layer males are useless:
They cannot grow up to lay eggs, and they are not the fast-growing breeds
that are sold as poultry.
So every year, the layer chicken industry disposes of 4 billion day old male chicks.
This practice is not only ugly, but also very expensive.
our solution
eggXYt is developing the ULTRASOUND for eggs
We are building eggXYt, a global leader in revolutionizing hatcheries and making them a better place.
We do this by developing a technology that enables sex detection of chick embryos immediately after the eggs are laid and before they enter the 21 day incubation process.
We are saving the lives of over 8,000,000,000 chicks a year by preventing their unnecessary incubation.
We are saving the industry hundreds of millions of
dollars annually by not needing to waste half of their hatching capacity in order to pay people at the end of the hatchery line to identify and kill male chicks.
We are adding over 8,000,000,000 eggs a year to be repurposed and used outside the food industry.
We take pride in addressing 3 of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

By reducing costs of production, eggXYt is safeguarding a major source of high-quality protein.

eggXYt transforms what today is waste in the egg production value chain, into usable eggs to be sold in global markets.

eggXYt reduces incubation by 50%, slashing electricity usage, transportation, and waste disposal by hatcheries.
iN the media
July 17, 2024
Amuse Inc., a leading Japanese poultry grower and egg products producer, announced today an investment in eggXYt, a pioneering biotechnology company on a mission to create a more sustainable future for the livestock industry. This investment underscores Amuse Inc.’s commitment to ethical and environmentally conscious practices. eggXYt's disruptive flagship innovation consist of proprietary technology that enables non-invasive, pre-incubation high throughput sex detection in freshly laid chicken eggs. This breakthrough eliminates the widespread practice of male chick culling with significant ethical and economic implications. Every year, billions of male chicks are unnecessarily hatched and disposed of, causing animal welfare concerns and costing the industry billions of dollars. eggXYt's technology has the potential to save billions of chicks annually, reduce waste, and generate substantial cost savings. "Amuse group has taken action based on its core values of animal welfare and food safety, even prior to any Japanese regulation on this issue. Amuse recognizes the transformative potential of eggXYt's technology and looks forward to utilizing and implementing it to make the egg industry more ethical and sustainable" said Yasuo Akagi, CEO. Yehuda Elram, CEO of eggXYt, echoed the sentiment, stating, "Amuse's investment is a tremendous validation of our technology. This investment will accelerate the commercialization of our solution, allowing us to reach new markets and revolutionize the egg industry on a global scale. “We are proud to be Amuse’s first ever investment in Israel" This matching between Israeli cutting-edge innovation and Japanese companies marketing and business needs is led by Corundom Innovation, a venture capital (VC) investment and consulting services of both financial and strategic returns, with offices in Japan and Israel. ”Following our intensive close work with Amuse Inc. we understood their strategic needs, and with our experience and familiarity of the Israeli ecosystem we were able to identify eggXYt as a game changing technology that fits Amuse strategy and support the investment process” said Ilan Kieselstein of Corundum. Amuse's investment in eggXYt presents exciting possibilities. eggXYt: Amuse's investment provides the resources needed to accelerate the commercialization of their technology, enabling them to make a significant impact on the egg industry. Amuse: is committed to advancing ethical animal welfare and enhancing food safety in anticipation of the needs of the Japanese market. Consumers: Consumers will benefit from a more ethical and sustainable egg production system. About Amuse Amuse Group is a leading Poultry grower and egg related products producer in Japan. The group includes Himuka PF inc. produce hatching eggs, Fusion inc. producing material eggs, packed egg, processed eggs, and liquid egg, and Amuse Inc. produce day old chicks and laying hens. With a vision on Animal welfare, Amuse Inc. installed hatchery machine and tools, supported by European Animal Welfare Regulation, in 2016, and Fusion inc. that produces cage-free eggs since 2017. For more information, please visit https://www.amusegroup.jp/ or contact: fusioneggs@gmail.com About eggXYt eggXYt is a biotechnology company dedicated to enabling a sustainable future in the livestock industry. Its flagship technology allows for non-invasive, pre-incubation sex determination in chicken eggs, eliminating the need for male chick culling and promoting a more ethical and humane food system. eggXYt's innovative technology utilizes a proprietary method to achieve high-throughput, non-invasive sex determination in chicken eggs before incubation. This breakthrough eliminates male chick culling and offers significant animal welfare and economic advantages. However, eggXYt's vision extends beyond this initial innovation. eggXYt is actively developing solutions to address other critical challenges. This includes pioneering technologies for: ●Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) resistance: This technology aims to create chickens with broad inherent resistance to AIV, which heavily affects millions of birds annually. By potentially reducing disease outbreaks and improving animal health, this technology could help ensure the stability of the global egg and meat supply. ●Enhanced protein secretion: eggXYt is providing a unique platform to enhance protein secretion for various applications in the research, food and pharmaceutical industries. ●Cell sorting technology: This cutting-edge technology allows for the isolation of specific cell types from heterogeneous populations based on cellular RNA molecules. It holds significant potential for applications in both research and the pharmaceutical industry.
Horizon 2020 Project OBJECTIVES
eggXYt received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 873460. This grant enabled eggXYt to streamline technological and commercial development by achieving the following project objectives.
Technological breakthroughs in the development of a sex detectable chicken line.
Technological progress on the development of seXYt, eggXYt's proprietary sex detection scanner.
Relationships supporting eggXYt's go-to-market strategy.
Relationships with key stakeholders across governments, industry organizations, and animal rights groups.
Securement of eggXYt's proprietary rights through filing numerous patent applications.
And more!

Gene-edited Chicken Cells

Rendering of seXYt

Rendering of seXYt scanning male eggs
eggXYt is seeking an ambitious & strategic business professional to be our next Chief of Staff!
Our incoming Chief of Staff will work directly with the CEO to ensure that company projects are on track, to serve as a thought partner for complex business decisions, and to be the CEO’s extra pair of eyes, ears, and hands for all projects that fall into the CEO’s domain. This position is ideal for someone looking to break into an agritech/biotech startup at an early stage, and the role will provide ample opportunities for growth as the company matures.
B.A. in business, economics, or another field of social sciences.
Native English speaker.
Project management skills and a natural inclination to create processes over chaos.
Detail-oriented and execution-focused.
Comfortable with learning new technological tools.
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Ability to speak truth to power.
Functions well in a team environment as well as working independently.
Passionate about agritech/foodtech, sustainability, and impact.
CEO Executive Support - Managing the CEO’s email communications and tasks and providing the CEO with daily clarity on the most important issues for him to address. This includes managing the CEO accounts on email and the Asana task management platform. The CoS will regularly review the CEO’s inbox, prioritize emails for the attention of the CEO, delegate emails for other team members’ attention, and respond to emails where appropriate. The CoS will manage the CEO’s to-do’s on the Asana platform and make sure the CEO is always working on top-priority items and that nothing falls through the cracks.
Strategic Analysis - Performing and presenting analyses to support strategic decision-making, such as market analyses, revenue projections, stakeholder analysis, equity impact analyses, commercial opportunities and risks assessments, funding opportunities assessments, and more. The CoS will work closely with external consultants of the company.
Strategic Operations - Taking over company operations where more discretion and business context are required, such as managing investors relationships and communications, evaluating and applying for funding opportunities, suppliers and services comparisons and negotiations, media and press management, event management, CRM and online resources library management, and more.
Location: Har Hotzvim, Jerusalem
Interested applicants are encouraged to send their CV to: cos@eggxyt.com.